CMS Artist in Residence Applications are Due Today!
The Claremont MakerSpace (CMS) Artist In Residence Program is designed to empower New Hampshire and Vermont based artists with tools, training and space to create compelling new work. Each CMS Artist In Residence receives $800 towards the creation of new work at the CMS, two months of Unlimited CMS Membership, a dedicated studio space at the CMS, and training to use new tools. Each residency runs for two months.
All mediums and levels of experience are welcome to apply. Residencies are open to both NH and VT artists. Artists from New Hampshire may apply to any of the five residency periods. Artists from Vermont may apply for the second and fifth residency. Applications for the fourth residency are due at the end of the day April 15th, 2021! Learn more about applying here.
The CMS Artist In Residence Program and TwinState MakerSpaces, Inc. is supported in part by the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Questions about upcoming classes, events or the Claremont MakerSpace in general? Let us know at [email protected].
Happy Makin,’
The Claremont MakerSpace Team