August Classes & Events at the Claremont MakerSpace – It’s Jewelry Month!

Greetings Upper Valley Makers:
We have an exciting list of upcoming classes at the Claremont MakerSpace! With jewelry maker Angela Hill visiting, August is definitely jewelry month with many opportunities to learn wire wrapping techniques. We also have an assortment of regular classes and new classes including a laser-engraved cutting board and intro to plasma cutting. We are thrilled to partner with Hypertherm and their HOPE Foundation to bring plasma cutting classes back to CMS. The first intro class is for members only and public classes will open in September. Happy making!
For most classes and events, CMS MEMBERSHIP IS NOT REQUIRED. That said, members receive a discount on registration and there are some classes/events that are for members only (this will be clearly noted in the event description).
Class policies (liability waiver, withdrawal, cancellation, etc.) can be found here.
Instructors: Interested in teaching a class at CMS? Please fill out our Class Proposal Form.
Tours: Want to see what the Claremont MakerSpace is all about? Contact Us to schedule your tour where you can learn about all the awesome tools that the CMS offers access to, as well as how membership, classes, and studio spaces work.
Upcoming Events
Events that are currently open for registration.

Introduction to Wire Sculpted Jewelry – Ring
Aug. 13, 2024 5:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
This is a fun class for anyone who would like an introduction or refresher for wirework jewelry. Each participant will produce a beautiful ring with a Cubic Zirconia stone.
This is a beginning class in wirework and wire sculptured jewelry. The participants do not have to know about working with wire. All the basics of working with all types of wire and how to use wire tools will be covered. We will also learn how to make properly sized rings, how to set and attach a stone, how to finish with a simple sculpture and how to professionally wrap a ring shank.
Wire work involves small work so students should bring magnifiers to wear while they are working. Requirements for the Jewelry Studio include close-toed shoes and safety glasses (which are available for use). Anyone using the polishing or soldiering area must also be wearing No hanging or hand jewelry and must have their hair tied back. Requirements to prevent cross contamination must always be followed (which is taught during a class).
About the Instructor(s): Angela Hill has been making jewelry for over 50 years. She has taught classes for 30 years. She has sold her jewelry in stores, online and in market places for 20 years. She especially loves Wire work jewelry, but also does silversmithing, stringing, knotting, seed bead weaving and mixed media metal work.
Class Fees: $25 members / $40 non-members
Materials Fee: $10 included in the class fee
Prerequisite(s): none
Skill Level: beginner
Age requirement: Youth and adult (15 years and older)

August Open Electronics Meetup
Aug. 13, 2024 6 p.m. — 9 p.m.
Bring your electronics projects and supplies and have fun visiting with other Electronics Enthusiasts. Work on your projects in our stocked Electronics and Digital Fabrication Lab. In addition to the MakerSpace’s soldering irons, diagnostic tools, and parts library, there will be some LED soldering kits and soldering irons available for purchase as well.
Hang out, finish your projects, think about future projects, and just enjoy being around other electronics enthusiasts.
Tiffany, the electronics shop lead, will be available to help you set up, find parts, and offer support.
Class Fees: Free for members and $5 for non-members.
Materials Fee: None (LED soldering kits and personal soldering irons are available onsite for purchase
Prerequisite(s): None
Skill Level: Any
Age requirement: Youth and adult (15 years and older). Under 15 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian partner.

Jewelry Work Session (Members Only)
Aug. 15, 2024 5:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
This is an exciting session for CMS members who enjoy creating jewelry and would like to work with other jewelry enthusiasts while also having a knowledgeable person present to answer questions or help. It is an informal environment for those who have taken a class and have not finished a project and would like help doing so. It is an enjoyable environment for those who are working on their own project and would like to do so with others of likeminded enthusiasm. It is a session time to use expensive or complicated equipment with a knowledgeable person that can give guidance.
Each participant will bring their own project to work on.
Bring to class: Magnifiers. Also, Requirements for the Jewelry Studio include safety glasses (which are available for use) and closed toed shoes. Anyone using the polishing or soldiering area must also be wearing: No hanging jewelry or clothing such as scarves, No hand jewelry and must have their hair tied back.
About the Instructor(s): Angela Hill has been making jewelry for over 50 years. She has taught classes for 30 years. She has sold her jewelry in stores, online and in market places for over 20 years. She especially loves Wire work jewelry, but also does silversmithing, stringing, knotting, seed bead weaving and mixed media metal work.
Class Fees: Free for Members only
Materials Fee: none
Prerequisite(s): none
Skill Level: none
Age requirement: Youth and Adult (15 years and older)

Introduction to Wire Sculpted Jewelry – Pendant
Aug. 17, 2024 1 p.m. — 4 p.m.
This is a fun class for anyone who would like an introduction or refresher for wirework jewelry. Each participant will be sculpting a pendant with an oval gem stone.
This is a beginning class in wirework and wire sculptured jewelry. The participants do not have to know about working with wire. All the basics of working with all types of wire and how to use wire tools will be covered.
Wire work involves small work so students should bring magnifiers to wear while they are working. Requirements for the Jewelry Studio include close-toed shoes and safety glasses (which are available for use). Anyone using the polishing or soldiering area must also be wearing No hanging or hand jewelry and must have their hair tied back.
About the Instructor(s): Angela Hill has been making jewelry for over 50 years. She has taught classes for 30 years. She has sold her jewelry in stores, online and in market places for 20 years. She especially loves Wire work jewelry, but also does silversmithing, stringing, knotting, seed bead weaving and mixed media metal work.
Class Fees: $25 members / $40 non-members
Materials Fee: $10 included in the class fee
Prerequisite(s): none
Skill Level: beginner
Age requirement: Youth and adult (15 years and older)

CMS Amateur Radio Club (W1CMS) Monthly Meetup
Aug. 18, 2024 1 p.m. — 3 p.m.
The Claremont MakerSpace has an Amateur Radio club! Before makers, hackers, and DIY, there was Amateur Radio.
Join us on August 18 at 1 p.m. for our monthly meeting (every third Sunday) You do not have to be a licensed ham to participate, just bring your curiosity and energy! Everyone is welcome! Each month, we feature a presenter (45 minutes to an hour), and after we adjourn to MakerSpace’s Digital Fabrication and Electronics Lab for open-time kit building, sharing, studying, and socializing.
This Month’s Presentation: When is an end fed antenna not an end fed antenna
In this short talk, Paul will present “When is an end fed antenna not an end fed antenna?” where the principle of operation of these popular antennas is discussed, as well as misconceptions and why it may not actually be what you think.
Presented by: Paul Davis (K9MR) First licensed as a novice in 1974 and granted the callsign K9MR in 1977, Paul has been active in ham radio across many areas of interest. From DXing and contesting, or operating moonbounce, to building QRP transceivers and ATV transmitters, he’s acquired a broad range of ham knowledge. In addition to amateur radio, he’s interested in 3D printing and microprocessors, as well as metalworking.
What is Amateur Radio?
Amateur Radio (often called ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics, and communication together. People use Amateur Radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. It’s fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need.
How is Amateur Radio used?
Amateur Radio is used for a variety of recreational and service-related activities. Amateur Radio operators, also called “hams,” use Amateur Radio equipment to engage in two-way personal communications with other hams, as well as:
- Aid communication during public events, such as parades and road races
- Act as a vital communications link during emergencies and disasters
- Advance their technical skills and build their own radio components (ever wanted to talk to an astronaut in orbit?)
- Participate in competitive events and earn awards in contests
Who can become a ham?
Anyone of any age who is not a representative of a foreign government can be an Amateur Radio operator in the US. Before you can get on the air, you’ll need to be licensed and know the rules to operate legally. In the US there are three license classes — Technician, General, and Amateur Extra. The Claremont MakerSpace has resources and support available to help you learn and prepare to take your exam.
You can learn more about amateur radio here:

Open Sew-In
Aug. 20, 2024 4 p.m. — 6:30 p.m.
About the Instructor: Allison Zito received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the University of the Arts. Her artwork has been exhibited in numerous museums including The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia, The Berkshire Museum in Pittsfield, MA, The Delaware Art Museum, The Pennsylvania State Museum in Harrisburg, and The Philadelphia Museum of Art. Allison has decades of teaching experience, having taught a variety of classes at The Philadelphia Museum of Art, at Harcum College in Bryn Mawr, PA, and at the University of Pennsylvania Morris Arboretum. She has taught Studio Art in the Upper Valley at AVA Gallery and Art Center, Craftstudies at Hanover League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, ArtisTree, and Claremont Maker Space with stunning results.
Allison Zito was awarded The Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018 for her work as an artist and art educator. In 2019 Allison was awarded an Artist in Residency at The Claremont Maker Space. There she created an art installation addressing the issue of Global Warming and she organized a symposium on site, to inspire positive action within the greater community. Allison created two local public art murals in 2021, one for The Sullivan County Conservation District in Unity and Allison created the Bee and the Monarch Medallions on the Lebanon Art Tunnel Way Pollinator Mural. Making a statement and creating beautiful art as a way to open a conversation that leads to a better world, is the cornerstone of Allison’s career as an artist and art educator.
Age requirement: Adults (18 and older)
Class Fees: Free for members and $10 for non-members.
Materials Fee: None

An Introduction to Wire Weaving for Jewelry
Aug. 20, 2024 5:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
This is a fun class for anyone who wants to learn how to weave wire into various patterns. Woven wire patterns can be used to create intricate bails, to enclose stones, to add a decorative finish to a sculpture, to encircle a glass vase and any other application that comes to your mind. Each participant will create a sample of five different weaves and then produce a simple pendant of a gemstone with a woven bail.
This is a beginner class so the participants do not have to know anything about wirework to attend.
Wire weaving involves tiny work so students should bring magnifiers to wear. General requirements for the Jewelry Studio include close-toed shoes and safety glasses (which are available for use). Anyone using the polishing or soldering area must also be wearing No hanging or hand jewelry and must have their hair tied back. Requirements to prevent cross contamination must always be followed (which is taught during a class).
About the Instructor(s): Angela Hill has been making jewelry for over 50 years. She has taught classes for 30 years. She has sold her jewelry in stores, online and in market places for 20 years. She especially loves Wire work jewelry but also does silversmithing, stringing, knotting, seed bead weaving and mixed media metal work.
Class Fees: $30 members/ $45 non-members
Materials Fee: $15 included in the class fee
Prerequisite(s): Students should be comfortable holding thin wire in their hands.
Skill Level: beginner
Age requirement: Youth and Adult (15 years and older)

Make a Silver Ring
Aug. 21, 2024 6 p.m. — 8 p.m.
In this workshop, you’ll learn the basics of silver-smithing while you make a simple silver ring! The instructor will guide you through various options for how to embellish your band, the shape of which you will get to choose. You’ll try soldering and learn how to polish your finished product into a beautiful ring! No experience necessary. All materials will be provided, and the $10 materials fee is included in the registration cost.
About the Instructor(s): Melanie has been making silver jewelry at CMS since 2018. Her first introduction was THIS VERY CLASS! She proceeded to get certified in the studio and now creates nature inspired jewelry for fun in her free time. She also owns and operates Mel Tata Photography and loves shooting wicked fun weddings on analogue mediums.
Class Fees: $50 members/ $60 non-members
Materials Fee: $10 included in the fee
Prerequisite(s): none
Skill Level: beginner
Age requirement: Adults only (18 years and older)

Jewelry Work Session
Aug. 22, 2024 5:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
This is an exciting session for anyone who enjoys creating jewelry and would like to work with other jewelry enthusiasts while also having a knowledgeable person present to answer questions or help. It is an informal environment for those who have taken a class and have not finished a project and would like help doing so. It is an enjoyable environment for those who are working on their own project and would like to do so with others of likeminded enthusiasm. It is a session time to use expensive or complicated equipment with a knowledgeable person that can give guidance.
Each participant will bring their own project to work on.
Bring to class: Magnifiers. Also, Requirements for the Jewelry Studio include safety glasses (which are available for use) and closed toed shoes. Anyone using the polishing or soldiering area must also be wearing: No hanging jewelry or clothing such as scarves, No hand jewelry and must have their hair tied back.
About the Instructor(s): Angela Hill has been making jewelry for over 50 years. She has taught classes for 30 years. She has sold her jewelry in stores, online and in market places for over 20 years. She especially loves Wire work jewelry, but also does silversmithing, stringing, knotting, seed bead weaving and mixed media metal work.
Class Fees: Free for members / $20 for non-members
Materials Fee: none
Prerequisite(s): none
Skill Level: none
Age requirement: Youth and Adult (15 years and older)

Learn How to Use the Mid-Arm Quilting Machine
Aug. 24, 2024 1 p.m. — 3 p.m.
Intro to Mid Arm Quilting Machine is designed for people looking to learn how to use our mid-arm quilting machine, a Brother Dream Quilter 15. It can be used to quilt all sizes, from baby quilt to king size. Premade clothing can also be fitted onto the frame for quilting! The cost of the class includes a follow-up certification session. Members may use the machine on their own after passing the certification.
About the Instructors:
Allison Zito serves as Shop Lead in the Fibers Department at Claremont MakerSpace. She has been teaching The Mid Arm Quilting Classes for six years.
Allison Zito received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from The University of the Arts. Her artwork has been exhibited in numerous museums including The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia, The Berkshire Museum in Pittsfield MA, The Delaware Art Museum, The Pennsylvania State Museum, and The Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Allison has decades of teaching experience, having taught a considerable variety of classes at The Philadelphia Museum of Art, at Harcum College in Bryn Mawr, PA, and and at the University of Pennsylvania Morris Arboretum. She has been teaching studio art in the Upper Valley with excellent results at AVA Gallery, Claremont MakerSpace, CraftStudies at The League of New Hampshire Craftsmen and Artistree.
Allison was awarded an Artist in Residency in 2019 at Claremont MakerSpace where she created an art installation and symposium to inspire positive action, addressing the issue of Global Warming. In 2021 Allison Zito created an outdoor mural for The Sullivan County Public Cidery Building. She was part of a team of five artists who created a mural in Lebanon, NH. You can see her Bee and Monarch Medallions in the Lebanon Art Tunnel Way.
Allison Zito was awarded the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018 for her work as an artist and her work in arts education.
Class Fees: $65/member $75/non-member
Materials Fee: none
Age Requirement: Adults only (18 and older)
Skill Level: All levels
Prerequisites: none

Intermediate Wire Sculpture
Aug. 24, 2024 1 p.m. — 4 p.m.
This is an exciting class for anyone who enjoys wire weaving and wire sculpting jewelry with gem stones. The frame and bail are woven with different weaves. The front of the stone is covered in wire netting and the back has a simple wire sculpture. Students will develop their expertise with wire weaving and wire sculpture for jewelry. Each participant will produce a beautiful wire woven gem stone pendant.
This is an intermediate class so the participants should already know how to weave wire. We will create an intricate pendant using an oval gemstone and copper wire.
About the Instructor(s): Angela Hill has been making jewelry for over 50 years. She has taught classes for 30 years. She has sold her jewelry in stores, online and in market places for 20 years. She especially loves Wire work jewelry, but also does silversmithing, stringing, knotting, seed bead weaving and mixed media metal work.
Class Fees: $30 for Members / $50 for non-Members
Materials Fee: $10 included in the class fee
Prerequisite(s): This is an Intermediate class. The participants should already have taken the beginning wire weaving class or be comfortable with wire weaving and wire sculpture.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Age requirement: Youth and Adult (15 years and older)

Intro to MIG Welding
Aug. 26, 2024 5:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
Thinking about trying out MIG welding? This is an introductory workshop in learning, safety, tools and techniques in MIG welding. No experience required.
Must provide your own safety glasses, leather work shoes and leather gloves. Helmets, jackets and materials will be provided.
Students will:
. Learn about safety in the metal shop and welding studio
. Learn about MIG welding equipment and materials to be used
. Use the MIG welding equipment to spot weld, draw a bead and join two prices of metal
About the Instructors: Jo Ann Clifford is a Master Teacher and Metal Artist. She has been creating metal Art in her home studio and at The Claremont Maker Space for several years. She is a past Artist In Residence at CMS and has shown her work regionally. She loves to teach and inspire others to try something new in a fun and supportive environment.
Class Fees: $55 members, $75 non-members.
Materials Fee: $10 included in class fee
Prerequisite: none
Skill Level: beginner
Age Requirement: Adults only (18 years and above)

Introduction to Jewelry Making and Tools
Aug. 27, 2024 5:30 p.m. — Aug. 29, 2024 8:30 p.m.
This class is an introduction to the basic knowledge, tools and procedures for Jewelry Making. Each student will complete a spinner ring of copper. Each participant will also receive a handout for future reference when they are in the Jewelry Studio alone. Requirements: safety goggles (we have some to borrow), NO jewelry worn, close-toed shoes, hair tied back, sleeves rolled up, no gloves worn. The following will be covered:
- Safety in the studio and with the tools
- Cross contamination avoidance since this is a shared space
- Intro. to metals for jewelry
- Measuring tools and procedures
- Cutting tools and procedures
- Filing tools and procedures
- Introduction to the torch
- Annealing and soldering
- Introduction to the Flex Shaft
- Introduction to the Bench Grinder
- Sanding, Hammering and Dapping
- Introduction to Cleaning and Polishing
Each Participant will be given all the materials to complete a Copper Spinner Ring from cutting metal plate to complete polishing.
***This class meets twice***
Tuesday August 27, 2024 5:30pm-8:30pm
Thursday August 29, 2024 5:30pm-8:30pm
About the Instructor: Angela Hill has been making jewelry since she completed her first seed bead woven bracelet at 9 years of age. After she retired from a successful career of teaching K-12, she sold her jewelry to local jewelry stores, on line and in crafts fairs for several years. Now she’s back to just doing it for pleasure. She enjoys wire work the most but also does silversmithing, stringing, knotting, seed bead weaving and mixed media metal work.
Class Fees: $45 for CMS Members / $70 for Non-Members
Materials Fee: $15 included in the class fee
Skill Level: Beginner
Age requirement: Youth and Adult (15 years and older)

Make a Custom Laser-Engraved Cutting Board
Aug. 27, 2024 6 p.m. — 8 p.m.
Join us as we explore the amazing capabilities of our laser cutter. We will guide you through the process of customizing designs and text with a laser engraver. Each participant will have the opportunity to see their own small bamboo cutting board personalized with a handwritten recipe, a custom bit of art, or their name. If you have a cutting board you’d like to engrave, bring it! This is a great way to add personalization to a cutting board made at the Claremont MakerSpace in one of Peter Gunn’s cutting board classes.
This experience offers a fantastic introduction to the laser cutter, allowing you to see it in action without the need for technical expertise. While this session does not provide certification, it’s a great way to get a glimpse at the many possibilities our laser cutter offers.
About the Instructors: Tiffany and Brian are the shop leads for the Digital Fabrication Lab at the Claremont MakerSpace.
Class Fees: $50 members. $65 non-members
Materials Fee: $10 (included in price)
Prerequisite(s): None
Skill Level: Beginner
Age requirement: Any age (children under 16 years old must be accompanied by their adult)

Introduction to Plasma Cutting (Hypertherm)
Aug. 29, 2024 6 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
Plasma cutting is a powerful and versatile means of cutting steel, aluminum, and other conductive materials, for applications ranging from heavy industry to abstract art. In Intro to Plasma Cutting, students will the learn the fundamental processes and techniques for handheld plasma cutting using the Claremont MakerSpace’s Hypertherm Powermax85 – and will get plenty of hands-on practice with the tool. The goal of this class is to prepare students to be certified to use the CMS’s plasma cutter, handheld, independently.
Note: This is a CMS member only class; non-member classes will start in September.
About the Instructor(s): Tim Renner serves as a Program Manager on Hypertherm’s Learning and Development team, where he oversees the technical training of internal associates in areas ranging from plasma cutting to automation and 3D printing. He began his journey with Hypertherm in 2013, fulfilling the role of Technical Service Engineer, with duties encompassing customer support, product repair, and training.
Class Fees: $20 for members
Materials Fee: none
Prerequisite(s): none
Skill Level: beginner
Age requirement: Adult (18 years and older)

Actuator – Thinking about starting a business?
Sept. 4, 2024 5:30 p.m. — 7 p.m.
Embark on a dynamic business-building ideation session that delves into the lean business canvas template and inspires innovative business ideas. We guide you through a series of interactive warm-up events that encourage active participation and then lead you through the creation of a lean business canvas that captures your initial business concept. At the conclusion of the session, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about how the Black River Innovation Campus Actuator program can collaborate with you to bring your business idea to life.
Claremont MakerSpace is excited to partner with Black River Innovation Campus to bring this Actuator class to CMS.
About the Instructor(s): The Black River Innovation team has been running the Actuator program to help many individuals bring their business ideas to life. BRIC is located at 60 Park St in Springfield VT. To learn more visit
Class Fees: free for members/ $10 non-members
Materials Fee: none
Prerequisite(s): none
Skill Level: beginner
Age requirement: Adults only (18 years and older)
Happy Makin’!
We are grateful for all of the public support that our 501(c)(3), non-profit organization receives. If you’d like to make a donation,please visit the Support Us page of our website.